Primary DACA contact
Angie Siders, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, is the primary contact for IU Kokomo DACA recipients. Contact her at or at 765-455-9515.
Angie Siders, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, is the primary contact for IU Kokomo DACA recipients. Contact her at or at 765-455-9515.
Contact Dara Johnson in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at or (765) 455-9533.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers counseling by appointment, as well as crisis walk-in counseling daily, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. All Indiana University Kokomo students, including DACA students, are eligible for services at no cost to the student. CAPS counselors are in located in the Kelley Student Center (KC), Room 143 and can be reached at 765-455-9465 or
the Office of International Student Services at or (765) 455-9535.
Read about things to consider when choosing an immigration lawyer.
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IU Kokomo Multicultural Center
Cougar Advocates for Diversity